OS X 10.7
uSho is a no frills application that will apply lighting presets and basic configuration to your Philips hue lights. This application run on your Mac and it will keep applying light changes even if you are not at home to control them. I created this application because I wanted a Christmas lighting experience outside my house. I wanted the lights to change colour at regular interval and I did not want it to stop if I was going away. I looked for an application that would do this and came out empty handed… so I decided to write my own. In the process I came up with some nice presets for different taste and situation. You can customize the light brightness, overall saturation and time to change colours. uSho is perfect to create a Party lighting by using the "Crazy Light" preset. All your hue lights will start changing colours every seconds. Linear Colour preset is great for Christmas ambiance. Try the other presets and discover how you can customize the frequency of preset repeat (read colour variation) and luminosity/brightness. This is just the beginning. If you have ideas for lighting presets send them my way and I will try to add them in future updates.