OS X 10.7
Tired of all the traditional casino games? Want to play a casino game with attractive visuals, sound, and an ever expanding library of casino games? Play Weed Casino! Enter Weed Casino and find attractive and trippy backgrounds and visual effects. Play card games with unique card decks. Play a slot machine with new reels and trip out when on a winning spree. Feeling lucky? Play Roulette and win BIG! You know this is your type of casino... so what is keeping you from getting inside? Please Note: This game does not currently have mutiplayer or online gameplay. This will hopefully be a future update. Note: If you run out of credits don't worry. 3 hours after you go broke check back and regain credits. Current Casino games: -BlackJack -JackPOT Slots -Texas Hold'em -Roulette -Craps Want to suggest a new casino game (or even non casino game), have comments, need help, or found bugs? Write us at FallacyStudios@gmail.com Like us on Facebook and vote on upcoming games!