OS X 10.10
Xliffix is an userfriendly application to edit translation files in the industry standard XLIFF format. In Xcode 6 Apple introduced this format as the preferred way to exchange translations with translation services. With Xliffix you can edit these files, which makes it the perfect companion for every Objective C or Swift developer. * In the left pane Xliffix shows the source files included in the Xliff file, so you know what part of the application you are translating. * There is also a part with build in search filters over all contained files. * You can edit the translated strings right within the table, or in a large textfield at the bottom * Unique feature: Xliffix can easily show other strings in the Xliff file that use the same noun (both singular and plural forms), adjective or verbs (even in other conjugations!) as the string you are translating. This helps you to translate terms in a consistent way through the whole translation project. This 'Related strings' popover can be dragged to a separate window to keep it in sight. * The developer comments are always visible while editing translations * A developer can mark strings as 'To be translated'. This way the translators don't have to search all strings to see which should be done. * Coloured bullets show the status of a string: green is done and ok, orange indicates there is a warning and red is for strings that are not yet translated * You can sort on status, helping you to see your progress * A powerful search function, search through all contained source files for key, source or translation string