OS X 10.10
Xversion is a great way to manage your Subversion working copies and repositories. It's fast, powerful and so intuitive and easy to use you'll probably never need to read the manual. From starting out creating repositories to checking out, editing properties, advanced merging, resolving conflicts, committing, updating and lots more Xversion has you covered. Built exclusively for Mac its sleek, beautifully designed interface belies its comprehensive functionality. • Work simultaneously with versions 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 & 1.9 • Supports all URL types: http, https, svn, svn+ssh and file • Authenticate using Basic, Digest, User Certificate, SSH and SASL • Built-in compare view • Cool dark mode for night owls • Powerful filtering by status, name, author and more • Upgrade working copies • Drag & drop move, copy, import & export • Synchronize, Reintegrate, Cherry Pick & Two URL merge • Automatic conflict resolution • View and edit file and folder properties • Issue tracking integration • Use system http proxy and exceptions and lots more.