1 – Sorting – Primary Maths Level 1

OS X 10.6.6
Sorting and matching is the first of 15 apps in Level 1 of the EuroTalk Primary Maths series. These apps are designed to support the primary school curriculum – and to make maths fun. Children can play them over and over, any time, anywhere. The apps have been designed by educational author RoseMarie Gallagher, with the help of an experienced primary school teacher. Sorting and matching helps to develop the logical thinking needed for numeracy and problem-solving. Children also gain practice in identifying colours. The 15 apps in Level 1 are: 1 - Sorting and matching 2 - Lines and patterns 3 - Where is it? 4 - Counting to 3 5 - Counting 4 to 6 6 - Counting 7 to 10 7 - Patterns and shapes 8 - Counting 1 to 10 9 - Comparing 10 - Add and take away 11 - Counting to 20 12 - Count some more 13 - Sharing things out 14 - More about shapes 15 - Telling the time When an app is completed successfully, the child is rewarded with a certificate, and is ready for the next app. The complete Eurotalk Primary Maths series will have a set of apps for each year of primary school.