1000 Slides – Templates for PowerPoint and Keynote

OS X 10.6.6
>>> Our goal with creating these templates was to make you pay only a fraction of what you would pay for 1000 slides anywhere on the internet. <<< YOU GET 6 x 150 TEMPLATES FOR FREE ONE YOU BOUGHT THE APP. (Click "activate for free"-button in overview-mode) Additional 850 3D Premium Templates are available as in-app purchase with a special offer at a discount price. How long do you need to create 1000 modern designed 3D presentation slides? Find over 1000+ Premium 3D PowerPoint & Keynote templates in one striking look and style! (You get 6x150 templates for a small covercharge. Inside the app just click the "activate-button" of the color you like and open or save your free templates - Some users write poor reviews because the don't seem to find the activate-button where you active the colors. After Activation go ahead and save the templates to your hard disk.) Product Features: + Create consistent looking presentations quickly and easily in a striking look & style + Choose from 1000+ ready-to-use templates (Full Version) + With this version you get 6 times 150 deluxe-templates for Free (small covercharge). + Browse in almost 50 different categories and try different visual variations effortlessly + Modify individual colors, size, positions and forms conveniently +100% compatible with PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 (PC & Mac) + You will be able to save the 1000 Slides template-kit as regular files (*.pptx / .ppt / *.key) (see license note) While many or almost all of the other templates apps in App Store are offering you only nice colorpictures for your coverslide and some decoration, here you find 1000 real slidetemplates to convey your messages. If you like the 150 templates, don't be surprised, the other 850 templates are available to you as in-app purchases. Yes, you have to pay some $$, to get them. But our high quality templates are actually really low-priced. Look around: for premium templates elsewhere you will pay around 1 Dollar per slide. Have this in mind when you are looking at our prices, which are over 90% off retail prices elsewhere. Choose from 6 modern preset colors: Sky.Bue Quick.Orange Fresh.Green Spicy.Red Exact.Blue Passion.Red Choose from a pool with over 1000 ready-made design templates. Replace the placeholder text and you're done. 1...2...3...done!: 1) Choose your templates 2) Change placeholder text 3) Done! All ready-to-use PowerPoint & Keynote templates are sorted in almost 50 different categories (see list below) You've never created your presentation as fast as you will with this unique Package of 3D Premium PowerPoint and Keynote Templates. Easy to find the right template: Find your templates arranged in 49 different Categories for your convenience: Some category examples: 1. SPHERES  2. LIQUIDS  3. PIE CHARTS  ...  8. 1...2...3  9. STAIRS  10. FLOW  11. TIME LINES  ...  18. BUBBLES  19. PUZZLES  20. YING YANG  ...  26. PEOPLE  27. SPORTS  28. TREES & HIERACHIES  ... 39. ARROWS  40. ???  41. !!!  42. RIGHT & WRONG  ...  49. BONUS MATERIAL System Requirements: you will need either Microsoft PowerPoint (Mac or PC) or Keynote License note: This is a computer-based license! The software may be executed on only one computer at a time. A computer-based license is tied to a single computer with single or multiple users. You can transfer the software between computers by first uninstalling it from the original computer. --------------------------------- Get the all in-app-purchases for free: If you like to be a testuser and write a review here, you'll get the app for free. Please write to info@1000slides.com --------------------------------- If you have any questions, feedback or bugreports, please send them to: info@1000slides.com