A Few Billion Square Tiles

OS X 10.9
Free Download! A Few Billion can be played for free for 7 days or unlocked for good by purchasing a full license. Play MineSweeper with thousands of other players. Explore an infinite world of tiles, build your empire, join clans and fight for world domination! A Few Billion Square Tiles is a multiplayer MineSweeper played online on an infinite board: • play in real time with thousands of other players • compete for the biggest empire • climb the hourly leaderboards • create and join clans • earn honorific titles • find hidden pixel art on the map, or draw your own as you progress • share bookmarks of your favorite locations • browse the world online at http://afewbillion.com and now: • play on your Mac, iPhone and iPad! MineSweeper, meet the 21st century! A Few Billion Square Tiles is a real time online multiplayer game which requires an internet connection.