A Plus Old Book Template for iBooks Author

OS X 10.10
"A Plus Old Book Template for iBooks Author" is a container application that includes a template specially designed for iBooks Author 2.2 or later designed to create only-landscape books with antique look. The template includes two different versions with old paper textures and texture of notepaper. The fonts and styles have been adjusted to provide a great experience for readability looking the experience of reading an old book. The cover has been customized to simulate also the cover of an old book. There is also a special section that are included custom widgets Pop-up icons to supplement the information in the book, a Keynote template to create widget presentations with same old look of the book template and include slides designed for multimedia and slideshows and a configurable HTML Widget that will let you display any web page within your book (requires internet connection). The pack is divided into: Group 1: The template iBooks Author Group 2: Resources as images of textures of paper and the book cover Group 3: Keynote template Group 4: HTML Widget and directions to modify and use