Analog Synthesis in a Digital World

OS X 10.9
Learn how Analog synths fit into your modern music production workflow in this amazing tutorial for ALL audio producers. App Features: • 179 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection needed) • Easy to navigate Course Outline: 01. Introduction (01:09) 02. Introducing Buchla & Lainhart (03:03) 03. Types of Modules and Synthesis (03:39) 04. Generators, Modifiers, and Controllers (02:45) 05. Waveforms and Oscillators (04:56) 06. Sine Waves and Square Waves (04:41) 07. Waveshaping (02:01) 08. All About Noise (03:20) 09. About Voltage Control and Frequencies (04:30) 10. Voltage Control from a Battery (03:56) 11. Sine Wave Modulation (04:00) 12. Changing the Wave Shape (02:45) 13. Voltage Control with an Advanced Keyboard Controller (04:15) 14. Introducing Moog Modular V (02:19) 15. Setting up a Basic Patch (03:57) 16. Sine Wave vs. Triangular Wave (02:07) 17. Harmonics and Overtones (02:51) 18. Square and Sawblade Waves (02:22) 19. Waveform Review (02:18) 20. Introducing Envelopes (01:51) 21. The Waveform Display (01:42) 22. Acoustic Envelopes: Attack and Decay (04:52) 23. Acoustic Envelope of a Snare (01:16) 24. Acoustic Envelope of Horns and Strings (03:30) 25. Comparing the Acoustic Envelopes (01:14) 26. Attack with String Instruments (02:50) 27. ADSR - Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release (02:48) 28. Attack (02:56) 29. Decay and Sustain (03:03) 30. Triggers and Gates (04:00) 31. Releases and More (04:17) 32. All Together Now (05:18) 33. Filter Types (05:42) 34. Using the Low-Pass Filter (04:12) 35. Assigning Controllers with MIDI Learn (03:28) 36. Low-Pass Filter Resonance (03:59) 37. Sawtooths and Extreme Low-Pass Resonance (04:03) 38. Self-Oscillation (02:18) 39. Oscillator Modulation (05:53) 40. Oscillator Modulation with Other Waveshapes (02:28) 41. The Classic Minimoog Bass - Part 1 (04:44) 42. The Classic Minimoog Bass - Part 2 (04:17) 43. Envelopes for Filter Control (01:44) 44. Using a Second Envelop for Filtering (03:47) 45. Summery of Envelop Usage (00:49) 46. Velocity Filters (03:58) 47. Filtering Noise (06:40) 48. Envelope Following (02:07) 49. Simulating Wind (05:29) 50. Introduction to the ES2 (01:09) 51. Fundamentals of FM in ES2 (02:32) 52. Vibrato’s and Sidebands (01:37) 53. Overview of the ES2 (02:55) 54. Definition of a Sideband (02:16) 55. Harmonic and Inharmonic Overtones (03:57) 56. Modulation Index and Deviation (02:12) 57. Multiple Sidebands (03:12) 58. Simulating Acoustics with Oscillators (01:50) 59. Using Multiple Envelope Generators (05:42)