Clari3D Preview

OS X 10.9
Clari3D Preview is a pre-viewing component that is integrated in the host operating system in order to display 3D file previews in place of the standard file icons, even for the file formats that does not have previewing... Your operating system uses the previewing in the file explorer, for the attached files in the emails, etc. With Clari3D Preview, navigation in numerous 3D files becomes easier than ever. The supported file formats are VIZ, our native Clari3D format, DWG® all versions from AutoCAD®, STL, WaveFront OBJ, 3D Studio®, ASCII scan clouds as ASC or PTS, Step, Iges, Trimble Sketchup®, XGL and Dassault System 3DXml®. Other file formats will be added progressively... Notice that the textures associated to the 3D models cannot be loaded. Also, Clari3D preview will be not available if the file itself is not saved with a preview. This is mainly the case for DWG and Catia... If you have a problem with a file, please contact our support line with it, this is the only way we have to solve the problem.