OS X 10.8
* Continuously apply different distortion filters at the position of a picture you click on * Distoria is a desktop application that gives you 5 tools to distort part of a picture. Click anywhere over the picture to use the selected graphic filter. You can apply the same graphic filter to the picture repeatedly or use a combination of these tools to distort the picture. Apply any of them 20 or 50 times as long as the memory allows. The application supports the full stack of Undo & Redo changes. So if you want to cancel the last effect, just press Command + Z. - Features - 1. Use Bump to create a bump at the position you click on over the picture. 2. Use Pinch to pinch the picture at the position you click. 3. Use Twirl to rotate pixels around the position you click on. 4. Use Vortex to rotate pixels around the position you click on. 5. Use Hole to create a hollow area at the position you click on over the picture. 6. See the whole picture with a preview canvas when the picture is bigger than the canvas. 7. Save the current picture to a disk. Supported formats are BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, TIFF. 8. The application supports the fullScreen mode. 9. The application supports the retina screen. (tested with 2014 2.6 GHz 13" MacBook Pro) 10. Languages: English and Japanese only. 11. Application file size: 10.6 MB. 12. The application comes with a 11-page introduction window, giving the user a quick tour over how it works. -System requirements - 1. 10.8 (tested with 10.8.5), 10.9 (tested with 10.9.5), 10.10 (tested with 10.10.2) 1. 64-bit system - Limitations - 1. Regardless of original resolutions, a final picture will be saved to a disk with resolutions of 72 dpi x 72 dpi for non-retina screen models (144 dpi x 144 dpi for retina screen models with JPEG, PNG, TIFF).