Flow – Break and Focus Timer

OS X 10.11
Flow is a tiny but mighty app that helps you working on a task, studying for school or simply keeping focus without being distracted for a certain amount of time. Flow divides your workflow into sections with defined breaks and thereby enables you to stay focused easily. This method is scientifically proven to be efficient in increasing your focus and motivation while reducing stress. I always use Flow when ... ... having to concentrate ... working on a task ... studying for an exam ... developing a project ... coding all night long Benefits of this Technique • More Focus and Concentration • Less Stress • Better Management of Interruptions • Keeping high Motivation Levels • Reinforcing Determination in order to achieve something Features • Flow Timer with Work Intervals and Breaks • Blacklist Apps to prevent Distraction • Statistics of your completed Flows • Right Click Status Bar Item for quick Start & Stop • Optional Desktop Notifications • Minimalistic Design with no Dock Icon • Designed for Mojave's Dark Mode • Gentle on your RAM and Processor • Compatible with all modern macOS Versions • Optimized for macOS Mojave • Translated into many languages • (More Features and Languages coming soon) YOU MATTER TO US! We are continuously working to make our apps better! Please give us your honest feedback in order to help us fix bugs and improve the app. We will update this app regularly based on your feedback. Thank you! QUESTIONS? If you have any questions or problems, feel free to write us an email. We offer awesome support and love to help!


Flow: 极简主义番茄钟计时器

想必有许多朋友都用过番茄钟应用来提高自己的工作学习效率,设立一个 work time 工作时段,中间再配合一个 breaktime 休息时段,做到劳逸结合,找到适合自己的工作节奏,从而帮助你提高工作效率。 今天要推荐的 Flow 是一款极简主义设计风格的番茄钟计时器,而且可以自定义 work tim...