Graph Paper Maker

OS X 10.7
Graph Paper Maker helps you create your own custom sheets of graph paper. Graph Paper Maker is both powerful and easy to use. The Easy Graph Wizard helps you customize your graph paper layout. You have complete control over the graph characteristics: X and Y axis can independently be set for linear or log scale, and scaling Selection from a dozen standard paper sizes, or custom create your own Graphs saved as pdf files, so you can print them whenever you wish Choose whatever color you want for the lines Specify independent line weights for the X and Y axis lines Specify the range and spacing of axis labels Trigonometric axis Hydraulic scaling (1.85 power) In addition to standard cartesian graph paper, the following specialized sheets can be designed: Isometric Graph Paper Axonometric Graph Paper Trapezoid Graph Paper Hexagon Graph Paper Polar Graph Paper Engineering Paper Lined Paper Note Taking Paper Dots Paper Cross Paper Ternary Paper Grid Paper Brick Paper