iSpreadSheet – for Microsoft Excel

OS X 10.8
Open your Microsoft Excel (.xlsx, .xls, .csv) file format in 'iSpreadSheet - for Microsoft Excel' application. You can view (content only) of Microsoft Excel's new excel format(.xlsx), legacy file format (.xls) and (.csv) file format that may have multiple work sheets. Application allow you open even Microsoft Excel does not installed on your computer. You can edit/modify/save the opened excel files and can save it in .rxl format. Later on you can open/edit/modify/save the .rxl files. Provided following features in the application- 1- Export as PDF- User can export current as well as all the opened worksheets to PDF. 2- Export as CSV- Provided an option to export current as well as all the opened worksheets to CSV file format. 3- Text Attributes- Added text attributes like font, size, bold/italic/underline, paragraph alignment, color. Now user can apply these attributes in text and later can export/save to any PDF/CSV format. Application is capable to maintain formatting like- bold, italic, fonts, size, colors, hyperlinks, etc. You can scroll to view the different parts of a worksheet, and you can switch to another worksheet. You can also increase or reduce the width of cell. Support- If you have any issues, questions or suggestions for enhancements, please feel free to contact us at - Sales- If any query related to sales, please contact us at -