OS X 10.6
Impress your friends with your newfound ability to speak Pig Latin! Translate quickly and accurately- just type in text, and the translation appears below. What is Pig Latin? It's an easy and simple way of moving around the letters of words to hide the meaning. It is simple enough to do in your head, but almost impossible to decipher if you don't know what's going on! (Sounds like Latin to me!) Bonus: The pig can read to you! At the press of a button, your computer will read out the translation. Not sure what he said? That's why Pig Latin works so well! This app is loads of fun. Type in a phrase and the computer will read it- can your friends tell what you are saying? Features: * Translate from English to Pig Latin quickly and easily * Have fun listening to the computer pronunciation of Pig Latin - or switch back to English to hear what was originally put in!