Lucid Auction Lister

OS X 10.7
*** 20% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME *** Are you tired of navigating through slow pages of the eBay web interface? Do you feel overwhelmed by the many options of some eBay listing apps? Do flashy, cluttered item listings give you a headache? Lucid Auction Lister can fix all that and help get things sold, quickly. Simplify selling and managing your items on eBay for less than half the cost of other listing apps. Listing with Lucid Auction Lister is clear and simple. There are no overwhelming, complicated settings or templates to configure. Just fill in some information about your item, add photos and submit. That's it! Sell your items now. No more hassle. Easily manage and organize your current and past eBay listings with Lucid Auction Lister. Compare listing details, duplicate past listings, relist auctions that have ended, revise running auctions and end auctions early. Store listings for as long as you like! Easily update and see the status of your running auctions from within Lucid Auction Lister. The submissions pane will show you all the information about your auctions, such as start time, end time, current price, bids, views, watches and the current high bidder.