OS X 10.6.6
★★★★★Time-Limited Special Offer(Original Price $39.99) With the explosion of ebook readers in the past few years, authors around the globe have been waiting for an easy to use tool enabling them to self-publish their works from a variety of formats into the popular EPUB format. The wait is over! Wondershare MePub allows EPUB books to be easily created in 3 simple steps from MS Word, PDF, HTML, CHM files, even image files, for enjoyment on popular e-readers from Amazon, Sony, Barnes & Nobles, Apple, and others. MePub allows an image file to be added as a book cover, and formatting/layout of the source file are preserved in EPUB format. Authors with many e-books to convert will love the batch creation option capable of publishing a 500-page e-book in as little as 1 minute. Top features of MePub: •Affordable, easy to use self-publishing tool creates fully featured e-books in the industry standard EPU format from MS Word (.docx), PDF (even encrypted PDFs), HTML (.html, .htm, .xhtml), EPUB, CHM, and PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, and TIFF image files •E-books published by MePub fully compatible with popular e-readers from: o Apple iPad (using iBooks) o iPhone and iPod Touch (using Lexcycle Stanza , Glider or iBooks on iOS 4.0 or later) o Sony Reader o Android devices (using WordPlayer, FBReader, Aldiko) o Barnes & Noble nook, nook color o Hanlin eReader o BeBook o Bookeen Cybook Gen3, Cybook Opus o iRex Digital Reader 800, 1000 o PocketBook Reader o Ctaindia's eGriver Ebook Reader •EPUB books published using MePub retain all the original formatting, fonts, layout, and images as the source document, however text can be reflowed, and layout can be adjusted & optimized for a particular e-book reader •Add an electronic book cover by simply selecting an image file, even add author and book information •Batch processing of unlimited number of files to EPUB books, ideal for authors with many books to convert •FAST – MePub can convert a 500-page document to EPUB format in about 1 minute •Yes, it works with Lion! ★★★★★Kind Notice: This software support Mac OS X10.8 ★★★★★Need help with a Wondershare product or want to tell us what you think of our products? Please contact us via http://support.wondershare.com and you will receive a reply within 24 hours.