Movies And Maps

OS X 10.12
Movies And Maps plays your dashcam movie files and plots the GPS route from the NMEA log files on a map. The GPS position, speed, altitude and accelerometer data is continuously updated while the movie is playing. Movies with embedded GPS MetaData in the ISO6709 format or movies recorded with the iOS App "Movies And Maps Recorder" (MaMRec) are also supported. At any point you can take a full resolution snapshot of the movie and crop, rotate, sharpen and enhance the image before saving. You can trim and export the movie in the same or in a lower resolution with the corresponding GPS log. Movies And Maps makes it easy to quickly browse through your dashcam movies to find the scene of interest. There are two basic requirements: - A movie format which is supported and playable by macOS (MP4/MOV) - GPS log files in the NMEA format / movies with embedded GPS MetaData NMEA is a simple ASCII based comma separated (CSV) file format, which is used to log GPS and other relevant data to file. This data is used by Movies And Maps to plot the route and current position on the map. The NMEA import filter in Movies And Maps is fully customisable so you can adapt it to your own camera's NMEA style log format. Movies with embedded GPS MetaData contain a track inside the movie with GPS location information. Supported formats are ISO6709 and the NMEA format provided by the iOS App "Movies And Maps Recorder" (MaMRec).