My Big Red Button

OS X 10.12
My Big Red Button Have you asked a question (maybe during a trivia or party game) and need to know who first raised their hand? If so, this automated button is for you. For iOS and macOS devices. Standalone Mode - Press your Big Red Button to play the sound - Choose from a number of available sounds Networked Mode - Play against your friends to see who presses their Big Red Button first - Perfect for trivia games and parties - You don't even have to be on the same Wifi network. - One person creates a group - All the others join the group - Everyone presses their Big Red Button to see who goes first (for example, in answer to a trivia question) - The results of everyone who pressed their Big Red Buttons will be displayed, showing who pressed first - Create groups (using multipeer networking) comprised of various device types: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and macOS clients