OnTime PRO-Ultimate time tool

OS X 10.11
The best just become better! OnTime PRO is the all in one indispensable time tool that you will ever need. Using the intuitive interface you can create unlimited beautiful and useful clocks for your desktop. Don't ever forget important things that you need to do: using the alarms feature you can easily add as many alarms as you need. Use World clock to view in every moment the time in any corner of the world. It will even tell you to take short breaks while working in order to become more productive. Key features: Clock - Customize every clock element - Switch between analog, digital, fantasy, hybrid and bent clock - Multiple analog hands to chose from - Customize the background clock with: - unlimited colors - unlimited gradients - personal pictures - Different animations for hands movement - See live usage of CPU,RAM and Disk Alarm - Set alarm to sound, voice messages or both - Custom alarm sound - Progressive volume - Unlimited alarms - Easy management for alarms using status bar icon World clock - Realtime sunset and sunrise - Unlimited world clocks - Clock background automatically changes with day or night color schemes - Show world clocks from menu bar - Time differences calculator - Put world clocks on desktop Break time - Manage your breaks - Force yourself to take a break - Schedule for breaks - Diffent appearance for breaks - Exceptions Smart quotes - Random quotes - Quiet hours Multiple interface styles Run at startup Show dock icon


OnTime Pro:集悬浮时钟、闹钟、世界时钟三位一体的时间追踪软件

OnTime Pro 是一款经典的时钟软件,集成了可变换多种主题的悬浮时钟、闹钟、世界时钟以及 break time 定时休息提醒的多功能时间管理工具。 悬浮时钟可显示时间、日期,星期,下一次闹钟时间信息,提供了六种悬浮时钟设计可供用户选择,不过感觉数量还是太少,更多一些就好了。 你可以在设置里对悬...