OS X 10.8
Save A lot of Time and Make Money With Party Flyers. 100% Licensed and 100% Royalty Free* Over 7GB of Templates. No Need To Start From Scratch or Re-Invent The Wheel Make Your Next Event or Party Look Highly Professional, When you are trying to throw a event. Having a professional flyer can draw more people in and especially when your trying to maximize profits. If your a graphic designer you can also charge people for flyers without having to spend hours Re-Inventing the wheel. PartyFlyers Software are Perfect For Graphic Designers Club Owners Club Organizers Photographers Video and Movie Projects *Please Note You will Need a Image Editor To Edit These Flyers and Add Your Own Information. We Strongly Recommend Adobe Photoshop, But You can also use Image Editing Software Like Corel, and Pixelmator For MAC OSX *Results Vary