PDF Editor Pro

OS X 10.6.6
An unbeatable PDF editor in your business! *** Time-limited special offer 40% Off (Original Price $99.99) *** Why Choose Wondershare PDF Editor Pro? It is a powerful and easy to handle PDF tool. It allows editing your PDF from any documents, web pages, or even a scanned document. You can easily add, delete, move text and images within a PDF. It also allows you to leave notes and annotation. What's more,it's a great converter to convert a PDF to Office suite. It is an affordable alternative to Adobe Acrobat. Key Features: √ Fast Conversion with OCR • Easily convert PDF to Word, Excel, PPT, Text, Image, HTML, EPUB. • The advanced OCR technology is design to digitize scanned PDF, making it possible to convert scanned PDF to editable files. √ Full Editing • Edit PDF documents including adding, deleting, moving, or modifying text. When editing PDF text, the auto-matching system will detect the font in the text block and match the newly added text automatically. • Mark up and annotate. There are lots of drawing tools such as highlight, underline, strike through, sticky note, hyperlink, text boxes, rectangles, arrow, line, oval, clouds, customized colors, line weights etc. • Manage your PDF files easily. Insert, extract, rotate or delete PDF page. √ Fill Out/Create/Merge/Split PDF • Fill out the original PDF forms easily. • Create a new PDF from web pages, images or text files. • Combine different PDF into a single one or split a large PDF into small ones. √ Sign & Remove Watermark • You can scan your handwritten signature into an image and import it as a stamp to any of your electronic PDF files. • If you don't want the watermark on your PDF, just remove it with PDF Editor Pro! • Predefined and customized stamp types help users to give and share feedback much more easier, such as "Reviewed", "Approved", "Confidential" and more. √ Encrypt PDF files • You can set a password to protect confidential PDF files from being opened by unauthorized users. √ Support emailing and printing edited PDF directly. √ Yes, it works with OS X 10.6.6 or later! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Need help? Please contact us and we'll feedback to you ASAP. Suport: http://support.wondershare.com(preferred) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wondershare Email: pdfelement@wondershare.com If you love this app, do not hesitate to leave a review.