Plain Text Copy

OS X 10.12
Tired of copying text and getting an unreadable, strangely formatted result? You're not alone. Usually, all we want is the actual content - not the Comic Sans font - when we copy a text. Plain Text Copy removes all formatting (font, font size, bold/italics/underline, etc.) leaving you with a plain text to paste. You don't need to learn any new keyboard shortcuts - simply cut, copy and paste like you used to. --- Fully compatible with macOS Sierra and High Sierra --- The app sits quietly in the menu bar. To temporarily disable the removal of formatting from copied material, just deselect "Automatically Remove Formatting" in the menu. All quotation marks can also be converted into the standard " and ' characters. To have Plain Text Copy automatically start when you log in, check the "Launch at Login" option. Don't hesitate to contact us at We love to hear from you!