OS X 10.9
SDS Drop makes sample transfers to your Elektron Analog Rytm drum machine a breeze. Drag & Drop your files onto the drum pads - the app takes care of the rest. Samples are loaded into the current Rytm project and assigned to your current Kit, ready to play. Bulk transfer to the project is also supported. The time for each transfer is shown, and you have the option to hear an acoustic signal when the transfer is done. You can drop any filetype: Core-Audio compatible media files are converted to 48kHz 16bit PCM audio, the native format for the Rytm. The high-quality conversion is handled by the Core-Audio framework. You can even use video files - SDS Drop will extract the audio. Any other kinds of file are interpreted as 22kHz 8bit PCM audio. If you enjoy some noise, you're going to love this. You can now also drag & drop URLs from your browser to the app. Literally download the internet into your drum machine. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / A note on samples and the +drive: Samples are transferred to the selected upload directory on the Rytm. After a fresh boot, this is the INCOMING directory. The behaviour is the same as when sending samples with C6. Make sure you understand how sample transfer works in general before using this app. Refer to the Analog Rytm manual. IMPORTANT: Before you delete samples from the +drive, please make sure to first unload them from your project. In the Rytm's Sample Manager, select VIEW RAM. Then select all samples which you plan to delete, and select UNLOAD. Otherwise the SDS Drop app will have incorrect information about which sample slots are free. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / *** Important: Get this app only if you actually use an Elektron Analog Rytm drum machine. ***