Spike Recorder

OS X 10.7
Let’s face it. The brain is complex, but it is extremely fascinating. To study the brain, you typically have to be a graduate student at a major university. But not any more! Backyard Brains enables everyone to be a neuroscientist! Coupled with our SpikerBox you can order at: http://backyardbrains.com this app allows you to view, hear, record and analyze actual neural signals. Both from individual neurons and muscles. Backyard Brains provides affordable neuroscience experiment kits for students of all ages to learn (hands-on) about electrophysiology. Now everyone from schoolchildren to grad students and every grade in between can experiment with similar tools used by real neuroscientists worldwide! By following a few simple steps, everyone can experience first-hand how the brain communicates with our senses, memories, hopes, and desires. Our OS X application includes both long continuous and threshold views, and once you have recorded your data, you can analyze the neural spike trains, measure reaction times, and calculate statistics just like professional neuroscientists! Do let us know us know about your experiments.