
Letterspace is a multi–platform, cloud-syncing note–taking app with Markdown, #hashtag, and @mention support. Easily organize notes and ev...


LaunchOnTime is a utility for opening multiple files, apps or AppleScripts at specified times. Drag-and-drop files or use the “Browse…R...


Turismo for macOS is a production tool to create geo-triggered tours for users of the iOS Turismo application. Producers can easily drag and drop mark...

Simple Timers 可同时运行多个计时的 app

Simple Timers 是一款可创建不限个数的计时项目并同时运行多个计时项目的免费 iOS 应用。 想要计时哪个项目直接点击一下就好了,还能暂停。 你可以在 Today Widget 管理计时项目,在 app 图标上应用 force touch 也可在 home screen 直接触发计时管理菜...

Snipper App

Meet Snipper App – a native snippets manager, built with Swift4 for MacOS exclusively, aiming to be a single tool for saving your day to day wor...


Snipbar is a menubar app for use with Snipline. Snipline lets you search and copy your favourite shell commands without even having to touch your keyb...

Multitouch 自定义 Mac 手势控制,轻松玩出花样

Multitouch 是一款性能强大的 macOS 手势控制自定义软件,你可以在 trackpad、magic mouse 上定义一指、二指,三指,四指,五指,Force Touch 的各种动作,像:点击(Click)、轻拍(Tap)、轻扫(Swipe)及各种组合动作,通过这些动作你可以设定千奇百怪...


Proxyman is a high–performance macOS app, which enables developers to view HTTP/HTTPS requests from apps and domains.


如果你在找一款免费好用的 Markdown 软件,那么现在又多了一个新选择:Joplin,网路上已经出现过大大小小太多的 MD 软件,但大部分都没有运营很长时间就关门大吉了,而且质量参差不齐,稳定性很差,许多基于 Electron/Node.js开发,不如需要花费大量精力去原生app那样麻烦,优点是...


SideNotes is a smart app for note–taking. It shows and hides on the side of your monitor to manage your notes without distracting you. You can f...