
ApowerMirror 是一款能够同时兼容 iOS 和安卓系统的投屏软件,支持在 Windows 及 Mac 上使用。只要你的安卓系统在 5.0 及以上,支持 Chromecast 协议,就能够无限制感受安卓投屏乐趣。对于 iOS 用户来讲,使用此款软件,只需开启 AirPlay 就能将手机屏幕投...


Ultimate Screen Recorder for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS

如何使用 Parallels Desktop 14 安装 Windows 系统

这是一篇为新新新手准备的 Parallels Desktop 虚拟机使用入门文章,老手请跳过,在 Mac 上使用 Windows 系统除了用 bootcamp 直接安装就是用虚拟机跑了,就好比你买了 bba 后想提高动力,治本的方法是刷 ecu,换硬件,而为了无损安装,避免厂商不给保修,加个外挂也是...


腾讯出品的 Mac 管家现在已更名为柠檬清理,专注于系统优化与文件清理工作,目前正在内测中。


Collect notes, e-mails, and Web pages on your Mac, and search them instantly. EagleFiler makes managing your information easy. It lets you archive and...


With Paragon Camptune X, for the first time, you can redistribute disk space on a Mac in minutes! In the past, to reallocate free space on your Mac, y...


Paw is a full–featured and beautifully designed Mac app that makes interaction with REST services delightful.Whether you are an API maker or con...


这款软件会在后台自动运行,记录用户活动记录,分前台与网页管理后台两个部分,前台是位于 Menubar 的一个控制菜单,提供了跳转到网页管理后台的选项和“FocusTime”操作功能,用户只有到网页管理后台才能做一系列的设置、查看数据统计等功能。 RescueTime 能完整的记录下用户一整天(24小...


Hider is an app that lets you hide, encrypt, and password-protect private data on your Mac. Just launch Hider, enter your password, and select a file ...

Battery Health - Monitor Stats

— Detailed stats and health information for your MacBook’s battery! — AWARDED MACWORLD ‘MAC GEM’ – The Best Batter...