Nicky Boom

The most exciting and colorful jump’n’run for your Mac ! Nicky Boom is an enchanting game mixing platform and puzzle for hours of fun. Nicky Boom is n...


Clipboard manager for macOS which does one job – keep your copy history at hand. Period. Lightweight. Open source and free. No fluff.


Fast text recognition (OCR) to create searchable PDFs. More than 100 languages available for fast and precise results! Compose PDF from many sources l...


GuitarPrompter performs live scrolling through your guitar tablature while playing the song‘s sound file at the same time. GuitarPrompter also h...

Keystrokes Pronouncer

Keystrokes Pronouncer allows you to hear each pronounceable key you press on your keyboard. It pronounces the pronounceable keys you press on your key...


Your mind is for having ideas – not holding them. Get your ideas, to-dos and thoughts quickly down using Notation. The notepad editor that is always j...

Snipper App

Meet Snipper App – a native snippets manager, built with Swift4 for MacOS exclusively, aiming to be a single tool for saving your day to day wor...


Snipbar is a menubar app for use with Snipline. Snipline lets you search and copy your favourite shell commands without even having to touch your keyb...


Caffeine is a tiny program that puts an icon in the right side of your menubar. Click it to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimmin...


Hunting is your menubar helper for tracking events, topics, products and companies in Twitter. You do not need to have a Twitter account to use Huntin...