macOS Catalina+

TextSniper is a super useful OCR app that helps instantly capture any text from your Mac's screen. Use it to grab and recognize text from images, videos, PDFs, online meetings, slides, screencasts, pictures, web pages, video tutorials, photos, e-books, etc. Just hit keyboard combo, and TextSniper will convert screenshot to editable text. Incredibly fast and useful app.


Supported languages:

• Running macOS Big Sur: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

Even though your language is not on this list, don't worry! If your language has common characters, even accented ones, with the ones listed above, TextSniper will recognize such language with high accuracy.

• Running macOS Catalina: English language only.



• Grab only what you need. No need to process the whole file when you need just a few lines of text.

• Captures text as a paragraph or with the line breaks.

• Instantly recognized text gets copied to clipboard.

• You can have TextSniper speak the recognized text whenever you need it.

• Lives in the menu bar and is accessible with the customizable shortcut.

• No internet connection required.

• Privacy first. No collecting or sharing any user data.



TextSniper 是一个我期待了很多年的一个 Mac app。它将图形或者扫描出来的的PDF中的文本,借助 OCR 技术将其转化为实际的可操作的文本。它的使用方法十分便捷,只需要像平常那样截图,稍等几秒,便可以把识别出来的文字直接粘贴到你想要的地方。 作为一个学生,我经常会遇到教授把各种需要读的...