Tournament Bracket Generator

OS X 10.9
Tournament Bracket Generator is a powerful app that allows you to easily generate printable Single Elimination Brackets for up to a maximum of 32 teams per tournament. This App is very easy to use, Simply Enter the number of teams and the bracket is instantly generated. Features: - Supports Single Elimination Brackets only for up to 32 Teams. - Instantly share your bracket to the recipients of your choice via email in PDF or PNG formats. - Save your bracket for future use or edits. - Save your bracket as an Image in PNG format. - Render full screen. - Easily print your bracket. - Copy your brackets and paste them in other Mac applications including Pages, Keynote & Numbers. - Define the look and feel of your bracket by easily customizing the colors with the in-built color picker. ** Tournament Bracket Generator هو تطبيق قوي يسمح لك بإنشاء Brackets Single Elimination بسهولة لما يصل إلى 32 فريقاً بحد أقصى في كل دورة. ** 錦標賽支架生成器是一款功能強大的應用程序,可讓您輕鬆生成單次淘汰賽支架,每場錦標賽最多可支持32支隊伍。 ** Der Tournament Bracket Generator ist eine leistungsstarke App, mit der du leicht Single Elimination Brackets für bis zu 32 Teams pro Turnier erstellen kannst.