Intel 64 / OS X
$ 39.95
WALTR 2 helps you wirelessly drag-and-drop any music, ringtones, videos, PDF, and ePub files onto your iPhone, iPad, or iPod without iTunes. It is the second major version of Softorino's critically-acclaimed original WALTR, which solved 2 huge problems for every iOS user: unsupported media-format transfer without installing any additional 3rd-party iOS apps, as well as iTunes sync elimination -- allowing users to drag-and-drop files from any computer. WALTR 2 is here to add a few cherries on top. Video formats: MKV, AVI, MP4, MOV, MPEG, m2ts, 3GP, WMV, H264, H265 Audio formats: MP3, FLAC, APE, ALAC, AAC, AIFF, WAV, WMA, OGG, OGA, WV, TTA, DFF CUE sheet support (automatic breakdown of a single file into multiple tracks) M4R Ringtones (includes support for ringtones over 30 seconds long) New in 2 Automatic metadata recognition Wi-Fi transfer support PDF, ePUB support Non-iOS device support (20+ legacy iPods)


WALTR 2:继续进化,这次不只是视频传输

在 2015 年大热的 Mac – iOS 视频传输软件 WALTR 在前天推出了其第二代产品 WALTR 2,新版的 WALTR 完美兼容 MacOS Sierra 系统,并在原有基础上增加了对铃声、iBooks 电子书的支持,用户将两端设备连接后也可对以上文件类型进行传输,此外还首次...