Word Commander

OS X 10.5
Finally a word game that let's you take out your aggressions on the enemy! Word Commander is a mashup of a very popular word game and a strategy laced adventure. Your troops are relying on you to find the words that will give them the tools they need to succeed. Start out guiding your hero over a bridge to a treasure. Then use a cannon to attack your enemies base. The more letters in each word the better. Be careful because at some point they will attack you back. Finally use flying pirate ships to attack your opponent from the air. Each level is packed with new excitement and fun. One of the best parts of Word Commander is the two player mode where you can use your word finding skills to attack your enemies. There is an easy, normal, and hard mode depending upon your age level and experience. This game is great fun for kids just starting to learn how to read all the way up adults looking to showoff their skills to their friends.