AdBlocker Privacy Pro – Privoxy powered Proxy

OS X 10.10
A high performance privacy proxy and much more. AdBlocker Privacy Pro is a graphical user interface to manage an embebed Privoxy proxy that lets you to block Ads, Tracking, Malware domains and other annoying content when browsing the Internet. ** Remember to click "Setup" at first run to configure your macOS proxy settings. Main features: - Status bar App. - Ultra high performance. - Boost Internet speed (avoiding download unnecessary content). - Launch at login. - Filter annoying content. - All your software that supports HTTP/HTTPS web proxy can use it; for example, Safari. - Block Ads and Tracking, with +50.000 filters. - Block malware domains. - You can block Java Script and Flash objects. - And you can hide your referrers and your User-Agent. - Detailed logs of blocked contents. - Regular App updates. Your privacy is our first concern! You can get more information about Privoxy at * Important Note (Disclaimer): - AdBlocker Privacy Pro is only a graphical user interface and it doesn't have any relation with Privoxy. * Special thanks to Ángela García Jiménez for helping design creation. * If you like it, please, rate it; and if you find any issue, please, contact us.