Friendly for Pinterest

OS X 10.6
The Ultimate Pinterest App for your Mac. Friendly for Pinterest is a beautiful, slick and easy to use app for browsing your Pinterest account. Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard. It lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find in your life. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. Friendly is loaded with smart features to enhanced your Pinterest experience: • MINI MODE, to keep an eye on the latest pins • PHOTO ZOOM, let you quickly preview photos or notification directly from the Pinterest feed • NIGHT MODE • EASY SHARE • MINIMALIST SKIN • IMAGE SEARCH, to quickly find the original source of any pin • SEARCH & PIN, easily add new Pin with our integrated search • LIFETIME FREE UPDATES Happy pinning!!