Lingvo Dictionary

OS X 10.7
Comprehensive dictionary for 7 languages ● Usage samples ● Meanings of set expressions ● Verb forms ● Over 7,340,000 entries ● World class Oxford Dictionaries ● No Internet connection or in-app purchases required, all dictionaries are included in the application. ● Translation from ENGLISH into Russian, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and back ● Translation from RUSSIAN into English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, and back Сomplete list of dictionaries: FEATURES AND BENEFITS: ● Get multiple translations and usage samples for each word meaning. ● View synonyms and antonyms, grammar notes, verb forms, and cultural information. ● Learn meanings of set expressions from general translation and idiomatic dictionaries, phrase books and dictionaries of English slang and colloquialisms. ● Look up accurate translations in more than 100 subject dictionaries of computer, engineering, law, marketing, economics, finance and banking, and medicine terms. ● Listen to pronunciation of key words for English, Spanish, German, Russian and French recorded by native speakers. ● Get a pop-up translation in the Safari browser and other Cocoa applications by simply pointing the mouse cursor at unfamiliar words. The list of applications you can find here ENGLISH CORE OXFORD DICTIONARIES: ● English: — Oxford Dictionary of English. 355,000 entries — Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary. 88,000 entries ● French-English and English-French: Concise Oxford Hachette French Dictionary. 175,000 entries ● Spanish-English and English-Spanish: Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary. 170,000 entries ● German-English and English-German: Concise Oxford Duden German Dictionary. 150,000 entries ● Italian-English and English-Italian: Concise Oxford Paravia Italian Dictionary. 175,000 entries RUSSIAN CORE DICTIONARIES: ● Russian: 3 dictionaries with 201,000 entries ● English-Russian and Russian-English: 42 dictionaries with 2,000,000 entries ● French-Russian and Russian-French: 18 dictionaries with 980,000 entries ● Spanish-Russian and Russian-Spanish: 6 dictionaries with 296,000 entries ● German-Russian and Russian-German: 25 dictionaries with 970,000 entries ● Italian-Russian and Russian-Italian: 13 dictionaries with 718,000 entries ● Portuguese-Russian and Russian-Portuguese: 2 dictionaries with 230,000 entries No Internet connection or in-app purchases required. All dictionaries are included in the application. Ask us a question on _________________________________________ ABBYY is a world leader in optical character recognition, document capture and form processing, linguistic technologies, and translation services. Currently more than 30 million people in 150 countries use ABBYY products, solutions and services. ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries are regularly used by 7 million people. Versions for desktop computers, servers, and mobile devices are available.