PDF Expert 2: 价格购买方案更新,单台设备授权仅为 103元

2021.12.26 更新,由于价格回收,PDF Expert 2 的官方价格是 $79.99,折合人民币 ¥509,但这是授权三台的价格,平分到每台设备价格为170元,有点儿贵,所以不推荐去官方网站买,可以在国内的软购商城购买优惠版,也是三台授权,价格仅为 ¥308,平分到每台设备价格为103元,...

观点:Mac 换芯的野心可不是简单的统一产品架构

6 月 23 日的 WWDC 2020 确实是近 10 年来非常精彩,干货满满的一次进步技术发布会之一了,除了意料中的 macOS 11 Big Sur、iOS 14、iPadOS 14、watchOS 7、tvOS 14 这些最新一代操作系统外,最让我感到激动还是 Mac 即将使用自家研发芯片的消...

Multitouch 自定义 Mac 手势控制,轻松玩出花样

Multitouch 是一款性能强大的 macOS 手势控制自定义软件,你可以在 trackpad、magic mouse 上定义一指、二指,三指,四指,五指,Force Touch 的各种动作,像:点击(Click)、轻拍(Tap)、轻扫(Swipe)及各种组合动作,通过这些动作你可以设定千奇百怪...


Paw is a full–featured and beautifully designed Mac app that makes interaction with REST services delightful.Whether you are an API maker or con...


Hider is an app that lets you hide, encrypt, and password-protect private data on your Mac. Just launch Hider, enter your password, and select a file ...

Battery Health - Monitor Stats

— Detailed stats and health information for your MacBook’s battery! — AWARDED MACWORLD ‘MAC GEM’ – The Best Batter...


SmoothScroll is finally available as an app to give your Mac (Finder, Safari, Chrome, etc.) buttery smooth scrolling. Give it a spin 🙂 — trusted...

StatsBar - Advance System Monitor

AWARDED ‘OUTRAGEOUSLY USEFUL MENUBAR APP’ BY MACLIFE With StatsBar, you get a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the following areas o...


Noizio is an app that will drown out the noise of the street and allow you to concentrate on the work at hand, increasing your productivity. On the ot...

uBar 3

Boost your productivity with the most advanced and versatile app and window manager for the Mac. Features • Favourites area (including Show Desktop) •...